Wednesday, 12 January 2011

OpenDtect (Linux Development Install)

  1. Install GCC v3.4.6 (g++, gcc-base, cpp, gcc, libstdc++6-dev. ubuntu, hardy)

  2. download opendtect binary package and developer source package here

  3. chmod downloaded files to executables, run the file, it will extract *tar.gz file into the same directory
    chmod +x [filename]

  4. extract to home directory (e.g: /home/someone)
    tar -xf [extracted downloaded files]

  5. Install opendtect, setup development environment from
    Utilities > Tools  > Create Devel. Env.

  6. Setup IDE (in my case eclipse CDT), Create a new c++ project with existing source, pointing to ODWork directory.

  7. Start developing! in plugin folder of ODWork


  1. Hello. I created a Makefile project with existing sources, and I pointed to ODWork, but the makefiles doesn't work, they didn't found the included files, but I don't know how to set paths to makefiles in eclipse. How you did that? My make command works fine on command line... I think is something about env variables (ex.: $PMAKE).

  2. wow...I'm a noob, I didn't see the on PMAKE variable, there I found everything I needed to have the makefiles working. Thanks.

  3. Hello Marcio, Sorry for my late response, I've been in a not-so-good mood lately, so I'm a little out-of-sync with my blog.
    Maybe this post can help you a bit, because I think we have (relatively) same issue:

